IGBT DRIVERS : EconoDual Series
Plug & Play Driver for EconoDual SeriesIGBT Drivers are designed to address a wide variety of IGBT applications. The AS2-EconoDual Electrical Series provides up to 12 Amps of peak current at an operating frequency up to 30 KHz. The AS2-EconoDual provides both 2-level turn off and active clamping to reduce voltage overshoots. UVLO and Desat fault detection is provided for both the high and low side drivers. HI and LO fault lines can be reported separately or as a single fault. The connection to the internal IGBT thermistor is available on a two pin MTA connector.
Parameter Overview
Parameter Min Typical Max Unit
Nominal Supply Voltage 14 15 16 V
Output Power Per Channel 3.0 W
Gate Voltage -9 +15/-10 +16 V
Peak Output Current (Gate Current) -10 +12 A
Switching Frequency FIN 0 30 kHz
Minimum ON or OFF Period 500 ns
Turn-ON or OFF period 500 ns
Dielectric Test Voltage 3000 VAC
Dv/dt Immunity, Input to Output 25 kV/us
Operating Temperature -20 +85(+125 opt) °C
Creepage Distance Primary-Secondary 7 mm
Switch Benefits
Dual channel driver Interface for 3.3V and 5V logic levels
Isolated HI and LO Side DC/DC converters +15V/-10V gate drive voltage
Regulated gate-emitter voltage Peak gate current +12A/-10A
Separate gate current paths (on/off) Suitable for IGBTs up to 1700V
Power supply under-voltage lockout 2 x 2W output power
Up to 8 individual fault signals Easy mounting directly onto the IGBT
Desaturation (Over current/short circuit) detection Fault lockout functionality
20pin (Concept compatible) connector Thermistor connector
High Temperature (Opt.) Cross Latch
High Voltage DC Link Monitoring Reliable long service life
Master-Slave capability for parallel operation Plug-and-play solution